Most folks spend a lot of time in their vehicles which is one reason that quality auto repair is so very important. After all, who can afford to waste time waiting on their car or truck to get out of the shop? However, to really avoid unexpected mechanical failures may require the skill of an Expert Auto Mechanic in Carmel IN. This requirement is mostly due to the complex nature of the automobile. The variety of available subsystems is amazing and incredibly difficult for the average person to keep up with. The consistent use of a specific shop makes things easier by tracking any repairs the automobile may have had.
One tool that makes this task a bit easier is regular maintenance. There is no set schedule for performing most of the maintenance on a vehicle, but certain jobs such as oil changes, tuneups, and transmission flushes can make a lot of difference. Clean fluids can add many years to the service life of a vehicle. In fact, this could be the single most important set of maintenance procedures ever performed. Consider the case of the engine. This primary component tends to run hot which actually increases the effects of wear. Clean engine oil improves protection of key metal parts by reducing the chance of friction.
Another area where clean fluids and an experienced auto mechanic in Carmel IN can help is the automatic transmission. This complex tool is used to transfer the speed and torque of the engine to the wheels. The automatic transmission handles this job with the aid of hydraulics. Hydraulic fluid supplies the pressure which controls the shifting gears. This in turn, makes it possible for the vehicle to move. If the transmission has dirty fluid, there is a chance that blockages will affect the power transfer.
The first step in servicing an automatic transmission is a fluid and filter change. This may be fine for some vehicles, but a heavily used, company truck or a family vehicle with a lot of mileage may require something more. Flushing the transmission fits the bill because this method of hydraulic fluid replenishment can force out more debris than simply swapping out the old stuff. Visit our website to find out the best ways to keep that vehicle running longer.